This chapter discusses general planning and conduct of
instrument approaches by professional pilots operating
under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14
CFR) Parts 91, 121, 125, and 135. Operations specific to
helicopters are covered in Chapter 7. The operations
specifications (OpsSpecs), standard operating procedures
(SOPs), and any other Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) approved documents for each
commercial operator are the final authorities for individual
authorizations and limitations as they relate to instrument
approaches. While coverage of the various
authorizations and approach limitations for all operators
is beyond the scope of this chapter, an attempt is made
to give examples from generic manuals where it is
Depending on speed of the aircraft, availability of
weather information, and the complexity of the
approach procedure or special terrain avoidance
procedures for the airport of intended landing, the
inflight planning phase of an instrument approach
can begin as far as 100-200 NM from the destination.
Some of the approach planning should be
accomplished during preflight. In general, there are
five steps that most operators incorporate into their
Flight Standards manuals for the inflight planning
phase of an instrument approach:
- Gathering weather information, field conditions,
and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for the runway
of intended landing.
- Calculation of performance data, approach speeds,
and thrust/power settings.
- Flight deck navigation/communication and automation
- Instrument approach procedure (IAP) review and,
for flight crews, IAP briefing.
- Operational review and, for flight crews, operational
Although often modified to suit each individual operator,
these five steps form the basic framework for the
inflight-planning phase of an instrument approach. The
extent of detail that a given operator includes in their
SOPs varies from one operator to another; some may
designate which pilot performs each of the above
actions, the sequence, and the manner in which each
action is performed. Others may leave much of the detail
up to individual flight crews and only designate which
tasks should be performed prior to commencing an
approach. Flight crews of all levels, from single-pilot to
multi-crewmember Part 91 operators, can benefit from
the experience of commercial operators in developing
techniques to fly standard instrument approach procedures
Determining the suitability of a specific IAP can be a
very complex task, since there are many factors that can
limit the usability of a particular approach. There are
several questions that pilots need to answer during preflight
planning and prior to commencing an approach. Is
the approach procedure authorized for the company, if
Part 91K, 121, 125, or 135? Is the weather appropriate
for the approach? Is the aircraft currently at a weight that
will allow it the necessary performance for the approach
and landing or go around/missed approach? Is the aircraft
properly equipped for the approach? Is the flight
crew qualified and current for the approach? Many of
these types of issues must be considered during preflight
planning and within the framework of each specific air
carrier’s OpsSpecs, or Part 91.
Weather conditions at the field of intended landing
dictate whether flight crews need to plan for an instrument
approach and, in many cases, determine which
approaches can be used, or if an approach can even be
attempted. The gathering of weather information
should be one of the first steps taken during the
approach-planning phase. Although there are many
possible types of weather information, the primary
concerns for approach decision-making are wind
speed, wind direction, ceiling, visibility, altimeter
setting, temperature, and field conditions. It is also a
good idea to check NOTAMs at this time in case
there were any changes since preflight planning.
Wind speed and direction are factors because they
often limit the type of approach that can be flown at a specific location. This typically is not a factor at
airports with multiple precision approaches, but at
airports with only a few or one approach procedure
the wrong combination of wind and visibility can
make all instrument approaches at an airport
unavailable. As an example, consider the available
approaches at the Chippewa Valley Regional
Airport (KEAU) in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, shown
in Figure 5-1. In the event that the visibility is
reported as less than one mile, the only useable
approach for Category C airplanes is the Instrument
Landing System (ILS) to Runway 22. This leaves
very few options for flight crews if the wind does
not favor Runway 22; and, in cases where the wind
restricts a landing on that runway altogether, even a
circling approach cannot be flown because of the
visibility. |