The missed approach segment begins at the MAP
and ends at a point or fix where an initial or en route
segment begins. The actual location of the MAP
depends upon the type of approach you are flying.
For example, during a precision or an APV approach,
the MAP occurs at the DA or DH on the glide slope.
For nonprecision approaches, the MAP is either a
fix, NAVAID, or after a specified period of time has
elapsed after crossing the FAF.
APPROACH CLEARANCE According to FAA Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control,
clearances authorizing instrument approaches are
issued on the basis that, if visual contact with the
ground is made before the approach is completed, the
entire approach procedure will be followed unless the
pilot receives approval for a contact approach, is
cleared for a visual approach, or cancels the IFR flight
Approach clearances are issued based on known traffic.
The receipt of an approach clearance does not
relieve the pilot of his/her responsibility to comply
with applicable Parts of the CFRs and notations on
instrument approach charts, which impose on the
pilot the responsibility to comply with or act on
an instruction, such as “procedure not authorized
at night.” The name of the approach, as published,
is used to identify the approach. Approach
name items within parentheses are not included
in approach clearance phraseology.
The approach gate is an imaginary point used within
ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the final
approach course. The gate will be established along the
final approach course one mile from the FAF on the
side away from the airport and will be no closer than 5
NM from the landing threshold. Controllers are also
required to ensure the assigned altitude conforms to the
For a precision approach, at an altitude not above
the glide slope/glidepath or below the minimum
glide slope intercept altitude specified on the
approach procedure chart.
For a nonprecision approach, at an altitude that
will allow descent in accordance with the published
Further, controllers must assign headings that will permit
final approach course interception without exceeding
the following:
A typical vector to the final approach course and
associated approach clearance is as follows:
“…four miles from LIMA, turn right heading
three four zero, maintain two thousand until established
on the localizer, cleared ILS runway three six
Other clearance formats may be used to fit individual
circumstances but the controller should always
assign an altitude to maintain until the aircraft is
established on a segment of a published route or IAP.
The altitude assigned must guarantee IFR obstruction
clearance from the point at which the approach
clearance is issued until the aircraft is established on
a published route. Part 91.175 (j) prohibits a pilot
from making a procedure turn when vectored to a
FAF or course, when conducting a timed approach,
or when the procedure specifies “NO PT.”
When vectoring aircraft to the final approach course,
controllers are required to ensure the intercept is at
least 2 NM outside the approach gate. Exceptions
include the following situations, but do not apply to RNAV aircraft being vectored for a GPS or RNAV
When the reported ceiling is at least 500 feet
above the MVA/MIA and the visibility is at least
3 SM (may be a pilot report [PIREP] if no
weather is reported for the airport), aircraft may
be vectored to intercept the final approach course
closer than 2 NM outside the approach gate but
no closer than the approach gate.
If specifically requested by the pilot, aircraft
may be vectored to intercept the final
approach course inside the approach gate but
no closer than the FAF.