A flight operated under Part 135 has minimums and
procedures more restrictive than a flight operated under
Part 91. These Part 135 requirements are detailed in
their operations specifications (OpsSpecs). Helicopter
Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operators have
even more restrictive OpsSpecs. Figure 7-5 on page
7-6 is an excerpt from an OpsSpecs detailing the minimums
for precision approaches. The inlay in Figure
7-5 shows the minimums for the ILS Rwy 3R
approach at Detroit Metro Airport. With all lighting
operative, the minimums for helicopter Part 91 operations
are a 200-foot ceiling, and 1200-feet runway
visual range (RVR) (one-half airplane Category A
visibility but no less than 1/4 SM/1200 RVR).
However, as shown in the OpsSpecs, the minimum
visibility this Part 135 operator must adhere to is
1600 RVR. Pilots operating under Part 91 are encouraged
to develop their own personal OpsSpecs based
on their own equipment, training, and experience.
