Helicopters have the same VFR minimums as airplanes
with two exceptions. In Class G airspace or under a
special visual flight rule (SVFR) clearance, helicopters
have no minimum visibility requirement but must
remain clear of clouds and operate at a speed that is
slow enough to give the pilot an adequate opportunity
to see other aircraft or an obstruction in time to avoid a
collision. Helicopters are also authorized (Part 91,
appendix D, section 3) to obtain SVFR clearances at
airports with the designation NO SVFR in the Airport
Facility Directory (A/FD) or on the sectional chart.
Figure 7-7 on page 7-8 shows the visibility and cloud
clearance requirements for VFR and SVFR. However,
lower minimums associated with Class G airspace and
SVFR do not take the place of the VFR minimum
requirements of either Part 135 regulations or respective

Knowledge of all VFR minimums is required in order
to determine if a Point-in-Space (PinS) approach can
be conducted, or if a SVFR clearance is required to
continue past the missed approach point (MAP). These
approaches and procedures will be discussed in detail