Diamond Aircraft
Pursuing Unleaded Fuel Capability For All Diamond Models By Eddy Metcalf |
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April 2, 2012 - Diamond Aircraft has announced that it is actively pursuing certification of unleaded fuel operation for its gasoline powered models, starting with the popular Lycoming powered versions of the DA40 single and DA42 twin engine aircraft.
Diamond's approach is to offer its customers a choice of
powerplant solutions and environmentally responsible
fuel options to support individual preferences and
region specific needs. ?Diamond has a long history of providing alternative solutions to leaded fuels,? said Peter Maurer, President and CEO of Diamond Aircraft Industries, Inc.. ?The Austro Engine diesel powered DA40 and DA42 represent the only actively produced piston aircraft certified for operation with (lead-free) JET-A1 fuel, and even our Rotax 912 powered two seaters of the early 1990s featured unleaded fuel certification (?autogas?)." |
Lycoming's upcoming Service Instruction 1070R and European
Aviation Safety Administration (EASA) Safety Information
Bulletin (SIB) 2011-01R1, will clear the way for European
based Lycoming powered Diamonds to operate with ASTM D7547
UL 91 unleaded avgas in the very near future.
represents only the first step. Diamond will continue to pursue
certification of additional unleaded fuel options for our
Lycoming powered airplanes, to offer our customers maximum
flexibility regardless of their geographic location. We will
pursue similar solutions for our popular DA20-C1 two seater, to
achieve an all unleaded fuel capable fleet.
For many
years, the general aviation industry has been working diligently
to find a high octane unleaded replacement for 100 low lead
avgas. While this
work continues toward a solution, Diamond is committed to
ensuring that our currently produced and already delivered
aircraft will be compatible with as many fuels as possible, with
potential airframe retrofits, if these are even required, kept
to a minimum.
Diamond commends Lycoming's continued expansion of approved
fuels for the IO360 series engine. In combination with
Diamond's multi-fuel compatible airframe fuel system
components, this ensures that regardless of which unleaded
aviation gasoline ultimately emerges and prevails in the
U.S. and other markets, Diamond owners can be confident of
the continued long term viability of Lycoming powered DA40
and DA42 aircraft.