Negotiations Failed Between British Airways And Its Cabin Crew

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Negotiations Failed Between British Airways And Its Cabin Crew

Daniel Baxter

April 28, 2010 - Unite remains in dispute with British Airways after the failure of negotiations with the company to produce an acceptable agreement to end the company’s confrontation with its cabin crew, the union announced on Tuesday.

The union will ballot its 12,000 cabin crew members on the company’s latest offer, with a strong recommendation that they reject it.

In view of the continuing disruption to BA’s operations caused by the Icelandic volcano eruption and the fact that many passengers remain stranded abroad, the union is not announcing any further strike dates at this stage.


Tony Woodley, Unite joint general secretary, said “It is disappointing that talks with the company have concluded without producing an agreement we can recommend to cabin crew. However, the blame for this rests exclusively with an intransigent management which is determined to attack trade unionism and persecute its employees who supported the lawful strike action taken last month.

“Despite important progress made in a number of respects, management has refused to budge on victimizing cabin crew who had their travel concessions withdrawn as a result of the strike. It is also taking vindictive and disproportionate disciplinary action against union members in defiance of the words in the agreement they are asking us to endorse.

“These and other actions call into question the sincerity and integrity of management’s promises and the value of the other commitments negotiated with them. I believe British Airways is seeking to break trade unionism among its cabin crew by a process of bullying and humiliation. This we cannot and will not accept.


“In my view this represents a major failure of industrial statesmanship on Mr Walsh’s part. At a time when British Airways needs stability, and when agreement was in reach, he has decided to put it all at risk for the sake of management machismo and a desire for revenge.

“So I am asking all British Airways cabin crew to stand up for their union and their own sense of dignity and self-respect and reject the offer in the forthcoming ballot. Should they do so, I hope management will at last come to its senses and negotiate a sensible agreement.”

The consultative ballot of BA cabin crew members will be conducted by the union in the course of the next week.
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