FAA Orders Inspections Of Boeing 767 Due To Pylon Fatigue Cracking

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FAA Orders Inspections Of Boeing 767 Due To Pylon Fatigue Cracking

By Mike Mitchell

July 23, 2010 – The FAA has ordered U.S. operators of 138 Boeing 767 airplanes to reduce the initial pylon inspection time mandated in a September 22, 2005 Airworthiness Directive from 10,000 to 8,000 total flights.

This inspection must be done within 400 flights after the most recent inspection required by the 2005 directive, or within 90 days, whichever occurs later. 

Boeing reported last month would make recommendations for frequent pylon inspections after mechanics at American Airlines discovered cracks on one jet. A Pylon failure could cause an engine to fall from the wing where it is attached. 

Fatigue cracking in the primary strut structure could result in reduced structural integrity of the strut and consequent separation of the strut and engine.


Because of the FAA’s requirement to promote safe flight of civil aircraft and thus, the critical need to ensure the structural integrity of the pylon structure and midspar fittings and the short compliance time involved with this action, this AD was issued.

The FAA received two reports of cracks in the midspar fitting tangs. The first report indicated severed upper and lower tangs at the aft two fastener locations in the Number 1 pylon inboard midspar fitting. The cracks were found during a routine check of a Model 767-300 airplane at approximately 92,205 total flight hours and 14,969 total flight cycles.  

This airplane had incurred 408 flight cycles from the previous inspection. The second report indicated cracks in the Number 1 pylon inboard midspar fitting lower tang, between the aft two fastener holes, on a Model 767-300 airplane at approximately 94,176 total flight hours and 15,405 total flight cycles. This airplane had incurred 830 cycles from the previous inspection.  

The Immediately Adopted AD affects 138 U.S.-registered airplanes out of 314 worldwide. The total cost to U.S. operators is approximately $46,920. The AD affects only those 767 models that have the original pylon design. Boeing has improved the design of the 767 pylon and those aircraft with the improved pylon designs are not included in this AD. 


The service bulletin specifies to contact the manufacturer for instructions on how to repair certain conditions, but this AD requires repairing those conditions in one of the following ways. In accordance with a method that the FAA has approved or using data that meets the certification basis of the airplane, and that have been approved by the Boeing Commercial Airplanes Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) whom the FAA has authorized to make those findings.  

Steps 4.a. and 4.b. of Part 2 of the Work Instructions of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-54A0101, Revision 5, dated June 29, 2010, specify actions if cracking is found and the hole size is either greater than 0.5322 inch or less than 0.5322 inch but not if the hole size equals 0.5322 inch. This AD specifies that if cracking is found and the hole size equals 0.5322 inch, then the terminating action specified in step 4.a. of Part 2 of the Work Instructions of Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-54A0101, Revision 5, dated June 29, 2010, must be accomplished.

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