Parachute System Saves Passengers In Aircraft Emergency

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Parachute System Saves Passengers In Aircraft Emergency

Shane Nolan

June 5, 2010 - Ballistic Recovery Systems of South St. Paul, Minnesota, USA (BRSI.PK) announced its 250th documented save when four people in a Cirrus SR20 SRV G3 single-engine aircraft were uninjured after deploying their BRS ballistic emergency parachute over unlandable rocky terrain in southern Norway on May 28th during an in-flight/enroute emergency. The pilot apparently lost control of the aircraft due to disorientation upon entering instrument (IMC) conditions and/or severe icing and elected to deploy his parachute.

“Upon reviewing photos of the plane’s accident site, it’s clear that the pilot had little, if any, chance of safely landing the aircraft in such hilly and rocky terrain” stated Boris Popov, founder and director of BRS Aerospace.

“Everyone in the factory was overjoyed to hear that they had contributed to saving this many people at one time,” said BRS Aerospace CEO and President, Larry Williams. “While the accident itself is upsetting to all involved, no doubt, our BRS workforce is always happy to hear of how their efforts directly contribute to the saving of human lives, now totaling 250,” he added.

Based in South Saint Paul, Minnesota, BRS Aerospace consists of three divisions: BRS Aviation which designs, manufactures, and distributes whole-aircraft emergency parachute systems for general aviation and recreational aircraft; BRS Defense which designs and manufactures a variety of parachute systems for US Department of Defense and foreign military customers; and BRS Safety which designs and manufactures reflective and load-bearing safety vests and other safety apparel.


Since 1981, BRS Aerospace has delivered more than 31,000 parachute systems to aircraft owners worldwide, including over 4,700 systems on FAA-certificated aircraft such as Cessna -172/182 and the new C-162 Skycatcher, as well as the Piper Sport LSA. To date, BRS Aerospace parachute recovery systems have been credited with saving the lives of 250 pilots and passengers.
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