First Workshop To Reduce Co2 Emissions From Aviation Underway


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First Workshop To Reduce Co2 Emissions From Aviation Underway

By Shane Nolan

May 3, 2011 - The first in a series of regional training workshops to assist ICAO Member States in producing national action plans for reducing CO2 emissions from international civil aviation opened Monday in Mexico City, Mexico. It runs through Wednesday. 

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

ICAO members are 189 of the United Nations members and the Cook Islands. The non-member states are Dominica, Liechtenstein, Niue, Tuvalu, Vatican City and the states with limited recognition. 

?ICAO environmental action plans will help States identify the most appropriate measures to reduce emissions from international aviation. They will also allow ICAO to monitor progress by States in achieving global aspirational goals and help address specific needs through more targeted technical and financial assistance,? said the Organization?s Council President Roberto Kobeh Gonz?lez in his opening address. 

The plans, to be submitted to ICAO by June 2012, result from an agreement reached at the 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly last fall which made international aviation the first sector with global aspirational goals of stabilizing CO2 emissions at 2020 levels and achieving a 2 per cent annual increase in fuel efficiency up to 2050.  

The Organization has prepared a comprehensive program to assist States in developing their action plans, which includes guidance material, a web-based template for the submission of action plans, and workshops to provide information and training in the preparation of action plans. 

?The workshops provide an opportunity for the exchange of views and experiences in order to help States formulate policies and measures that are in line with differing realities,? commented Ambassador Juan Manuel G?mez Robledo, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights.


?ICAO is without a doubt an organization at the forefront of the global fight for the reduction of international aviation emissions. This was demonstrated when it proposed at its 37th Assembly the creation of a global plan of action on climate change based on national plans,? added Felipe Duarte Olvera, Undersecretary of Transport.

Hosted by the government of Mexico, the workshop is attended by representatives from North, Central and South America and the Caribbean States nominated by their governments to act as focal points in the development of their respective State action plans. Other stakeholders such as regional civil aviation organizations, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Air Transport Association, Airports Council International and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization are also contributing to the workshop.

Regional workshops are planned later this year for Bangkok (25 to 27 May), Dubai (14 to 16 June), Nairobi (4 to 6 July) and Paris (11 to 13 July). These intense efforts will make it possible for all ICAO regions to receive the initial information necessary to launch the preparation of their action plans by midyear.

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