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FAA To Eliminate 736 NDB And VOR/DME Instrument Approach Procedures

April 15, 2015 - The FAA has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to eliminate a total of 736 ground-based nondirectional beacon (NDB) and very high frequency, omnidirectional radio range (VOR/DME) Instrument Approach Procedures. 

Back in June, the FAA published a policy establishing criteria for cancelling Certain instrument approach procedures, this was to further usher in satellite-based services and cut its ground based navigational infrastructure costs. 


"Cancelling certain ground-based non-directional beacon (NDB), and very high frequency (VHF), omnidirectional radio range (VOR) SIAPs is one integral part of right-sizing the quantity and type of procedures in the National Airspace System (NAS). 

"As new technology facilitates the introduction of area navigation (RNAV) instrument approach procedures, the number of procedures available in the National Airspace System has nearly doubled over the past decade. The complexity and cost to the FAA of maintaining the existing ground based navigational infrastructure while expanding the new RNAV capability is not sustainable. Therefore, the FAA is proposing the following list of SIAPs for cancellation based on the criteria established in the Policy." (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)



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