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Actor Harrison Ford Remains Hospitalized After Crash Landing His Aircraft

March 9, 2015 - Actor Harrison Ford, continues to recover after he had to make an emergency crash landing in his 1942 Ryan ST-3KR aircraft, N53178, on Thursday. Ford had just departed the Santa Monica Municipal Airport, California, when he contacted air traffic control to report engine problems. 

Ford attempted to return back to the airport, with a rapid loss of altitude the Ryan ST-3KR aircraft clipped trees and crashed landed at the Penmar Golf Course in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles. 

The 72 year old Star Wars and Indiana Jones actor remains hospitalized at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, he was the sole occupant onboard his World War II aircraft. Ford received non life threatening head, facial injuries, broke ankle and a possible fractured pelvis. 


Ford began flight training in the 1960s and received his private pilot certificate with an instrument rating in airplane single and multi engine land and rotorcraft-helicopter. Ford is know for his contributions with the Young Eagles program when in 2004, he became the chairman of the Young Eagles program of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). He remained in that post until 2009. 

Back in October 1999, Ford was involved in a helicopter crash. At the time, Ford was on a training flight in a Bell 206L4 LongRanger helicopter (N36R) over the Lake Piru riverbed near Santa Clarita, California. While performing powered recovery autorotation, Ford allowed the helicopter to descend to low to the ground to perform this maneuver and as a result the helicopter hit the ground and flipping to its side. Neither  Ford or his instructor were seriously injured. However, the helicopter did receive major damaged.


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