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Homeowner Files Suit Against FAA, Wants Owners Of Private Planes Carry Insurance

January 26, 2015 - A Florida women injured from a plane that crash into and destroyed her home and killed all three people onboard the aircraft has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Susan Crockett was at her home at the time of the crash, she was able to escaped through a window moments after the crash. 

Crockett did not have insurance on her home and because the home was deemed 'uninhabitable' it was torn down. Crockett has also incur medical bills from her injuries.

"So through no fault of her own, the victim has had to bear the brunt of all of these things at her own expense" said her attorney.

The pilot and owner of the aircraft, Michael Anders did not have insurance on the aircraft as the FAA nor federal or state law require private planes to be covered. Crockett has filed this lawsuit as she feels the FAA should have required owners of private aircraft be insured against accidents.

On January 4, 2013, a four-seat 1957 Beechcraft H35 Bonanza, N375B departed Saint Lucie County International Airport (FPR), Fort Pierce, Florida, for Knoxville Downtown Island Airport (DKX), Knoxville, Tennessee. Onboard was the pilot Michael Anders, 58, and passengers Duane Shaw, 59 and Charissee Peoples, 42.

The aircraft departed FPR and climbed to 7,500 feet, at which time the pilot reported to air traffic control (ATC) he was having engine problems, vibrations and an “oil pressure problem.” ATC provided the pilot with radar vectors for a landing at a nearby airport. The Beechcraft Bonanza was about 2.5 miles northwest of the airport, at an altitude of about 5,300 feet when the pilot reported that the engine oil pressure was “zero” with “cool cylinders.”



During the next approximately 7 minutes, the airplane continued past the airport to a point about 6.5 miles northeast before the controller vectored the airplane to the south and then west to the final approach course. On approach the Beechcraft Bonanza crashed into Crockett's home about 3/4 mile from the approach end of the runway killing all onboard. Crockett believes that the FAA was in part responsible for the crash, as the control should not have vectored the aircraft to the airport, then away, and then back to the airport. Crockett believes given the aircrafts mechanical condition the pilot should have been vectored straight to the airport and allowed to land.

The National Transportation Safety Board determined the probable cause(s) of this accident was due to a total loss of engine power, contributing to the accident was the pilot’s failure to clearly state that the aircraft had lost all power and the air traffic controllers’ incomplete understanding of the emergency, which resulted in the controllers vectoring the airplane too far from the airport to reach the runway.
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