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FAA Restricts Flights Over Ferguson Due To Shots Fired Into The Air

November 24, 2014 - Due to reports from law enforcement of gunshots fired into the sky, the Federal Aviation Administration activated a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) over Ferguson, Missouri.

For safety reasons, only law enforcement aircraft are permitted to fly through this area. Media aircraft are currently operating just above the TFR at 3,100 feet. The TFR prevents approaches to Runways 29, 30-Left and 30-Right. Due to winds, commercial aircraft are unable to land on other runways. Departures are unaffected.

As of 11:30 PM Central Time, airlines reported ten inbound flights have diverted to other airports. The TFR is three miles in diameter, up to 3,000 feet above sea level. It is in effect from 10:15 p.m. Central on November 24, to 4:15 a.m. Central November 25.Late Monday night St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced the grand jury decision in the shooting death of a Black unarmed 18 year old, Michael Brown of  Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, 28, (6'4" tall) a white police officer of the Ferguson Police Department. 

McCulloch had announced the grand jury would not indict Officer Wilson. Communities across the country are very upset with the outcome, they have been concerned from the very beginning in how McCulloch was handling of the case. Many are saying that the presentation tonight by McCulloch on national TV and the legal procedures used by McCulloch and his team were inappropriate. 


This late night announcement surprised many, during his announcement McCulloch criticized national and social media in how they presented the case to America. “The most significant challenge encountered in this investigation has been the 24-hour news cycle and the sensational appetite for something to talk about, following closely behind with the rumors on social media.” 



Many people do not think McCulloch made a sincere effort to prove probable cause to bring Officer Wilson to trial. As a result there have been demonstrations throughout the night in Ferguson with the news media reporting gunshots, burning of buildings and police vehicles. As a result of the shootings into the air the FAA restricts flights over Ferguson.

Attorney General Eric Holder released the following statement regarding the conclusion of the St. Louis County grand jury proceeding in the shooting of Michael Brown: “While the grand jury proceeding in St. Louis County has concluded, the Justice Department’s investigation into the shooting of Michael Brown remains ongoing. Though we have shared information with local prosecutors during the course of our investigation, the federal inquiry has been independent of the local one from the start, and remains so now. Even at this mature stage of the investigation, we have avoided prejudging any of the evidence. And although federal civil rights law imposes a high legal bar in these types of cases, we have resisted forming premature conclusions.

“Michael Brown’s death was a tragedy. This incident has sparked a national conversation about the need to ensure confidence between law enforcement and the communities they protect and serve. While constructive efforts are underway in Ferguson and communities nationwide, far more must be done to create enduring trust. The Department will continue to work with law enforcement, civil rights, faith and community leaders across the country to foster effective relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve and to improve fairness in the criminal justice system overall. In addition, the Department continues to investigate allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns or practices by the Ferguson Police Department.

“Though there will be disagreement with the grand jury’s decision not to indict, this feeling should not lead to violence. Those who decide to participate in demonstrations should remember the wishes of Michael Brown’s parents, who have asked that remembrances of their son be conducted peacefully. It does not honor his memory to engage in violence or looting. In the coming days, it will likewise be important for local law enforcement authorities to respect the rights of demonstrators, and deescalate tensions by avoiding excessive displays—and uses—of force.”

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