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ATP Pilot Age Limit And Crew Pairing Requirement

November 14, 2014 – Yesterday the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released its much anticipated “notice of policy” to initiate harmonization with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) “Pilot Age Limit Crew Pairing Requirement”.

Contained within this policy change is the relaxation of existing “crew pairing limitations”, which now allows pilots serving on airplanes in international commercial air transport operations with more than one pilot, to fly beyond 60 years of age (until age 65) without being paired with a pilot under 60 years of age.

The FAA has initiated rulemaking to conform to ICAO and anticipates publication of final rule in the Spring of 2015. During this transition period, the FAA will no longer enforce the crew pairing requirements as contained in 14CFR 121.383(d)(2), 121.383(e)(2), 61.3(j)(2), and 61.77(g).


Pilot Age Limit Crew Pairing Requirement - This document notifies the public of the Federal Aviation Administration’s policy regarding enforcement of the pilot pairing requirement in the ‘‘Part 121 Pilot Age Limit’’ final rule.

Currently, while the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards allow a person between the age of 60 and 65 to serve as pilot in command (PIC) of an airplane with two or more pilots, in international commercial air transport operations, the PIC must be paired with a pilot younger than 60 years of age.

Parts 61 and 121 of title 14, of the Code of Federal Regulations contain similar limitations. However, a recent amendment to the ICAO standards would remove this pilot pairing requirement. Instead, all pilots serving on airplanes in international commercial air transport operations with more than one pilot may serve beyond 60 years of age (until age 65) without being paired with a pilot under 60 years of age.



This ICAO amendment triggers the sunset of the statutory authority that provides the basis for the crew pairing limitations in title 14. DATES: Effective November 13, 2014. If implementation by the International Civil Aviation Organization of Amendment 172 to Annex 1 is delayed, the FAA will publish notification of the date changes.

Section 44729(c) specified a pilot pairing limitation for PICs serving on international flights. Specifically, section 44729(c)(1) provides, ‘‘A pilot who has attained 60 years of age may serve as pilot-in-command in covered operations between the United States and another country only if there is another pilot in the flight deck crew who has not yet attained 60 years of age.’’ The pilot pairing requirement in section 44729(c)(1) is consistent with the pilot pairing standard in ICAO Annex 1 (Personnel Licensing), Chapter 2 (Licenses and Ratings for Pilots), Standard 2.1.10.

The crew pairing requirement in section 44729(c)(1) will sunset in accordance with section 44729(c)(2), on the date that ICAO removes the pilot pairing limitation in Standard 2.1.10. Section 44729(c)(2) states, ‘‘Paragraph [c](1), shall cease to be effective on such date as the Convention on International Civil Aviation provides that a pilot who has attained 60 years of age may serve as pilot-in-command in international commercial operations without regard to whether there is another pilot in the flight deck crew who has not attained age 60.’’

During a meeting of the ICAO Council on March 3, 2014, Council members adopted Amendment 172 to Annex 1, Personnel Licensing. The amendment removes the requirement in Standard 2.1.10 to pair a pilot in command over age 60 with a pilot under age 60. Without the pairing requirement, all pilots on multi-pilot crews serving in international air transport commercial operations may continue to serve as long as they have not reached 65 years of age.2 The Council anticipates implementation of Amendment 172 to Annex 1, Personnel Licensing, to be November 13, 2014.3 Accordingly, on November 13, 2014, the pilot pairing limitation in 49 U.S.C. 44729(c)(1) ceases to be effective (see Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots Act (The Age 65 Law)
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