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Bono's Learjet Looses Cargo Door At 15,000 Feet

November 13, 2014 - On Wednesday U2 singer "Bono" was traveling from Dublin to Berlin, Germany in his private jet, Learjet 60 (DCGEO).

At about 15,000 feet the rear luggage compartment cargo door become detached from the aircraft and fell to the ground somewhere over Germany. 

The two pilots landed the aircraft safely, Bono, (Paul David Hewson) and four friends onboard were uninjured.

The pilots were unaware during flight that the cargo door had separated from the aircraft, it wasn't until they landed the aircraft and realized that the door came off and that two suitcases had fallen from the luggage compartment. 

The pilots told investigators there was no structural indication to the aircraft of a cargo door separation from the cockpit other than big thud coming from the rear of the plane which had occurred about an hour into the flight and a light buffeting to the aircraft while making a right-hand turn onto the approach. 


The luggage compartment was not apart of the cabin pressurized system so there was no loss of cabin pressure when the cargo door separated from the aircraft. Because this aircraft (D-CGEO) is owned and traveled by a high profile person the European government allows the owner to block public tracking.

A spokesman for the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation, Germout Freitag said “The aircraft and its rear door are painted black, so the search in the wooded area will be difficult.”



Bono had meet with U2 in Berlin to receive a Bambi International Music award. U2 band members Larry Mullen and Adam Clayton were not onboard. It was reported that they had traveled separately as Bono had flown earlier to attend a diplomatic event with Gerd Mueller, the German minister of economic cooperation and development. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, he is an Irish singer songwriter, his music tends to be a refection social and political unrests. He is well known for his activism concerning Africa and his benefit concerts. The majority of the music played by U2 is written by Bono. 
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