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PeoplExpress Gets Hit With More Bad News

November 11, 2014 - The newly formed no-frills budget flyer, PeoplExpress out of Newport News Williamsburg International Airport gets hit with more bad news. The airport, its base of operations has terminated services with the carrier and will not allow the carrier to operate as a result of unpaid airport fees. 

According to Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport Executive Director Ken Spirito, PEOPLExpress was informed that they had passenger facility charges since September of more that $100,000 that needed to be paid and were given a deadline. That deadline had passed and the airport had no choice but to terminates services with the carrier. 


People Express Airlines began operations with two aircraft in June as a no-frills budget flyer. However, the company ceased operations three months later due to issues around its aircraft. One of its aircraft had encountered maintenance issues and the other aircraft had been hit by a ground vehicle leaving both aircraft grounded. This meant the company had no aircraft to operate its business. 

At that time there was a number of passengers that were stuck holding tickets that could not be used on other carriers. The company indicated that it would resume flights in October. 

The company released a statement that stated "We currently have a tentative agreement with an additional aircraft provider, which will enable us to enhance our platform, including the addition of a third aircraft as a spare. This will alleviate the service issues we have experienced. A number of steps need to be achieved before we can resume service, among them some regulatory approvals."


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