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Las Vegas Police Helicopter Makes Forced Landing In The Downtown Area

December 31, 2014 - Today at approximately 1:22 p.m., a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) McDonnell Douglas MD530FF police helicopter, N530KK took off from Las Vegas airport and was assisting patrol units on a battery call in the downtown area. 

At approximately 1:29 p.m. the air unit was forced to make an emergency landing in the area of 23rd Street and East Wilson Avenue. The helicopter landed on 23rd Street, resulting in damage to the aircraft. The two pilots were transported to University Medical Center where they were treated for minor injuries. 


The names of the pilots have not been released at this time. This incident is under investigation. All future information regarding this aircraft incident will be released by the FAA and NTSB.

Metro Deputy Chief Patrick Neville said "I would say it was some pretty good piloting skills in order to not hit houses, light poles or anything else in the area," Neville said. "The pilots, from what we saw, did an outstanding job of getting that helicopter down with no injury and no damage to the neighborhood."

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department the McDonnell Douglas MD530FF helicopter in July 2010. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit has 22 helicopter pilots.


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