FAA Revoked A&P Mechanic And Pilot
Certificates On Fraudulent Aircraft Repairs |
January 30, 2015 - On January 22, 2015,
Clive Felix Ure of Leesburg, Florida, was
sentenced in U.S. District Court, Ocala,
Florida, to 12 months incarceration and two
years supervised release for falsifying
airworthiness documentation on a Cessna 337
Ure was also ordered to pay almost $68,000 in
restitution to a private pilot and a flight
school for failure to properly overhaul aircraft
engines. Additionally, Ure was required to
divest himself of any interest in his business
and not to engage in any other business related
to maintenance, repair, or the sale of aircraft
or aircraft parts.
Ure, a certified Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Airframe and Powerplant mechanic and owner
of Aircraft Maintenance & Repair, Leesburg,
Florida, sold the un-airworthy propeller via
eBay to a customer in Oregon. |
Prior to
selling the propeller, an FAA certified repair
station informed Ure the propeller was no longer
safe for flight. However, Ure utilized another
repair station's information to falsify a
logbook entry and approved the propeller for
return to service. Ure sent the buyer a log book
with a false entry showing the overhaul.
"He also stamped a false serial number on the
propeller because the true serial number had
been obliterated by the propeller repair
station, at the direction of the FAA'' court
document reported.
The FAA revoked Ure's mechanic and pilot
certificates for life based on his criminal
conviction. Ure at one time was a member of the
Leesburg International Airport Advisory Board. |