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Canada Issues Flight Permit For First CS300 Flight Test Vehicle

February 23, 2015 - Bombardier Aircraft announced on Friday that following a thorough inspection of the aircraft and a review of all the associated build documentation, Transport Canada inspectors have issued the flight permit that allows the first CS300 flight test vehicle to join the flight test program. 

Pending optimal weather conditions, the CS300 aircraft's first flight is expected to occur during the period February 26 - 28, 2015. The aircraft is expected to perform a series of handling and system calibration tests, at a wide range of altitudes and speeds. 


"This is an exciting time. The first four CS100 Flight Test Vehicles (FTVs) have flown more than 1,000 hours, test results are looking great and the CS300 aircraft will perform its maiden flight in the coming days," said Rob Dewar, Vice President, CSeries Program, Bombardier Commercial Aircraft.

"The success of the CSeries aircraft program is testament to the dedication and hard work of our partners, suppliers and in-house teams, and it has also benefitted greatly from the involvement of our customers."

Bombardier is creating the future with its CSeries aircraft -- the only 100 per cent-new family of airliners specifically designed for the 100- to 149-seat, single-aisle market. Benefitting from a clean-sheet design that includes leading-edge technology and systems integration, advanced materials and latest generation aerodynamics, the CSeries aircraft offer a 15 per cent cash operating cost advantage, a 20 per cent fuel burn advantage, exceptional operational flexibility, widebody comfort and an unmatched environmental and noise footprint.



The CS300 aircraft offers the best seat-mile cost in its category, making it the most profitable solution for mid-sized markets with up to 150 passengers per flight, and ideal for a range of routes from short-haul to longer transcontinental markets. With the extra capacity seating option, which provides up to 160 seats, the CS300 aircraft's productivity further improves, offering airlines an average of four per cent additional cash operating cost advantage per seat. Bombardier has booked orders and commitments for 563 CSeries aircraft, which include firm orders for 243 CSeries airliners.

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