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Jeppesen Enters Into Agreement With Rockwell Collins On Electronic Charts
By Eddy Metcalf

August 3, 2013 - Jeppesen has entered into an agreement with Rockwell Collins to automatically and securely transfer electronic charts via Wi-Fi and cellular networks using Rockwell Collins’ Ascend Aircraft Information Manager (AIM). 

As a result of the agreement, operators will leverage Rockwell Collins AIM technology to streamline access to Jeppesen flight data, provided through an enhanced direct connection to the flight deck of the aircraft. 

“This agreement with Jeppesen takes yet another step out of the data loading and update process,” said Greg Irmen, vice president and general manager, Flight Information Solutions, Cabin and Electromechanical Systems for Rockwell Collins. “Operators can be assured that their JeppView content, such as electronic terminal charts, will automatically be available when they need them.” 

Rockwell Collins’ AIM ensures that Pro Line Fusion and Pro Line 21 equipped aircraft are always flying with the latest data. These aircraft can wirelessly receive Jeppesen electronic charts, Flight Management System (FMS) navigation, performance and V-speed databases and checklist files. 


“Expanding our relationship with Rockwell Collins using AIM technology provides a direct data connection to the aircraft and enhances the customer experience,” said Scott Reagan, director, Jeppesen OEM Client Management.  “We will continue to further streamline and improve the management of information to and from the aircraft, leveraging the core strengths of both Jeppesen and Rockwell Collins to enhance data integration using AIM technology.” 

Through the Ascend AIM subscription service, flight departments can monitor the progress and confirm successful uploads by logging on to the AIM web portal. AIM also automatically sends email or text notifications whenever the aircraft’s databases require attention or when updates are loaded into the avionics, making recordkeeping easier. 

AIM is a key component of Rockwell Collins Ascend Flight Information Solutions, the only offering that gives business jet operators all the tools, services and support needed for streamlined, efficient flight operations from a single source.



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