ICARUS glasses electronically switch between
transparent and opaque allowing the student to
experience what it is like to fly into and out
of clouds. ICARUS will give students high
fidelity, cost effective training for a variety
of weather scenarios in the aircraft.
Flight instructors will be able to control the
students view outside the cockpit in flight with
ICARUS; thus giving them the ability to simulate
the visual sensation of breaking out on an
approach, entering clouds or fog, going missed
approach and Inadvertent Instrument
meteorological conditions. ICARUS will allow the
student instantly regain a fully clear visual in
the event of an in-flight emergency, instead of
the pilot fumbling around with a crude hood.
ICARUS placed second at Defense Entrepreneurs
Forum’s 2015 Innovation Competition and was part
of the University of Wisconsin
Aeroinnovate 2015 Accelerator class. The company
will also compete in the Transportation Review
Board’s 6 Minute Pitch competition in January.