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Revere Woman Charged With Making False Bomb Threat To JetBlue
By Shane Nolan

July 4, 2012 - A Revere woman was arrested on Tuesday after being charged in federal court for falsely reporting that explosives were on board a Boston to Chicago JetBlue flight, which was diverted to New York. 

Nicole Anna Miller, 23, was charged late yesterday in a criminal complaint with providing false information and threats relating to information she provided claiming that a passenger onboard the flight was carrying explosives on the aircraft. 

The complaint alleges that on or about March 12, 2012, Miller made a series of phone calls to JetBlue alleging, among other things, that a passenger on a flight from Logan International to O’Hare International was carrying explosives.

Miller began calling the airline about 4:19 AM. She stated her cousin was not allowed on airplanes and she was a flight risk. A JetBlue representative informed Miller that if the cousin had the required documents and cleared the security screening there was nothing the airline could do.  

Miller replied and stated “Oh my God, you guys are going to be sued, it’s not even funny. Let her go on the plane and then you guys have a million-dollar lawsuit against you, that’s fine. I just hope she doesn’t blow up the plane.” 

Miller continue to call the airline in one of the calls she said “Please tell me the plane was stopped ... my cousin is going through a lot of things right now, she is not thinking clearly, she is psychotic, she is very suicidal.” 

As a result of the increasingly alarming nature of Miller’s allegations, the flight was diverted and forced to land at Buffalo. It was subsequently determined that she and her cousin had been involved in a personal dispute.

Miller had her initial court appearance on Tuesday. She will appear before the court on July 6 at 10 a.m. for a detention hearing. If convicted, Miller faces up to five years in prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.


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