June 14, 2015 - Bombardier announced today that,
based on flight tests results, its all-new CS100
and CS300 aircraft are exceeding their original
targets for fuel burn, payload, range and
airfield performance. In addition, the C Series
aircraft are on track to meet noise performance
targets, making them the quietest commercial
jets in production.
The C Series aircraft's maximum range has been
confirmed to be up to 3,300 NM (6,112 km), some
350 NM (648 km) more than originally targeted.
The aircraft is delivering more than a 20% fuel
burn advantage compared to in-production
aircraft, and a greater than 10% advantage
compared to re-engined aircraft.
"The C Series performance is better than
advertised – while offering a best-in-class
cabin, and carrying up to 15 passengers more
than initially promised.
This will provide increased profitability
and market access for operators, along with
convenience and comfort for passengers," said
Fred Cromer, President, Bombardier Commercial