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Sonex Aircraft CEO Killed In Plane Crash Along With A Company Mechanic

June 3, 2015 - Sonex Aircraft CEO Jeremy Monnett and Sonex assembly mechanic Mike Clark died yesterday in an accident involving Sonex Sport Acro N123SX at the East end of Wittman Regional Airport’s runway 9, which occurred at approximately 3:30 PM.

Reports indicate the Sonex Sport Acro was on approach to Wittman Regional Airport Oshkosh, Wisconsin when it impacted vehicles and terrain. The aircraft was destroyed. No one on the ground was injured. Jeremy Monnett was the son of Sonex Aircraft Founder John Monnett. The cause of the accident remains unknown pending investigation by the FAA, NTSB and Sonex Aircraft.


Sonex Aircraft founder John Monnett made a statement to staff this morning "Sonex Aircraft, LLC will continue to operate despite the holes left by Jeremy and Mike’s absence. It would unquestionably be Jeremy Monnett’s wish that the Sonex company and the worldwide community of Sonex and AeroConversions customers carry-on".

Sonex Sport Acro N123SX first flew in 2007, and has most-recently been fitted with the 100 hp AeroVee Turbo. The engine had accumulated approximately 25 hours of operation in the Sonex Aircraft test cell as part of the AeroVee Turbo development program, and approximately 50 flight hours on N123SX after moving from the test cell to the Sport Acro airframe in the spring of 2014.

The engine and airframe’s performance has been flawless in all respects, including recent long cross country flights to Florida for the Sebring and Sun ‘n Fun conventions, making its return trip to Oshkosh after Sun ‘n Fun 2015. Sonex Aircraft reported it is hopeful the investigation of Tuesday’s accident will reveal conclusive findings regarding the cause.


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