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Eastern Air Lines Receives FAA 121 Operating Certificate

May 17, 2015 - On Wednesday, Eastern Air Lines Group, Inc. announced its operating subsidiary, Eastern Air Lines, has received an Air Carrier Operating Certificate from the US Federal Aviation Administration, which makes the company cleared for passenger travel.

Eastern received its certificate and "Part 121" operations specifications, which authorize passenger charters with large aircraft, in a short ceremony at Eastern's headquarters in Building 5A at Miami International Airport. (Bldg 5A served as Eastern's Operation Center from 1965-1991).


Ed Wegel, Eastern's founder and CEO said "We are honored and humbled to have been selected to bring the Eastern Air Lines name and legacy back to the skies, and the receipt of our 121 certification is the culmination of several years of planning and, over the last year, intense preparations by our team to meet all FAA requirements.

"During our proving run flights with the FAA, we flew our aircraft to Dallas, San Antonio, San Juan, Santo Domingo, Columbus (Ohio) and Colorado Springs, and we received a great reception in each city and were proud to show off our colors once again. We are also pleased that our certificate will be held in the South Florida CMO, which is Eastern's home base."

Eastern will be announcing its initial charter operations shortly and has recently concluded deals for additional 737-800s. Eastern Air Lines Group, Inc. is not affiliated with the former Eastern Air Lines, which operated from 1928 to 1991 as one of the largest U.S. domestic air carriers.

Back in May 2014, Eastern Air Lines Group announced an aircraft order with Boeing. Eastern Air Lines Group signed an initial order and placed deposits with the Boeing Company for ten (10) firm Next Generation 737-800 aircraft and purchase rights for ten (10) Boeing MAX 8 aircraft. (See history Of Eastern Airlines).



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