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Jeppesen Teams With Purdue University For Pilot Training

April 24, 2015 - Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, will supply Purdue University’s leading aviation program with professional pilot training materials through a new agreement designed to prepare the next generation of student pilots taking to the skies. 

As part of the new agreement, Jeppesen will provide the Purdue University aviation program with a professional pilot training kit for student pilots. This customized bundle includes textbook materials for both private pilot and commercial/instrument pilot training and numerous other elements that enhance the student pilot learning process.

Jeppesen’s industry-leading navigation information and charts also will be available for Purdue’s student pilots, at a discounted annual subscription rate. 


“This relationship with Jeppesen enhances student pilot learning through the availability of top training and preparation materials that are designed for use with current technology and easily integrates with our curriculum,” said John Wensveen, head of Aviation Technology, Purdue University. “We look forward to having Jeppesen materials available for use by our students, which will help prepare them for their aviation careers, using the same solutions that many airlines and operators use on a global scale.” 

Student pilots in the Purdue University aviation program also will now be provided with a specialized Web-based portal designed for Purdue student pilots. The portal provides a direct link to Jeppesen’s pilot training materials and navigation data, to simplify access to numerous elements of pilot training from one location. 

“The Purdue University aviation department is a leading university-based program that is helping to meet the growing demand for pilots around the world,” said Reggie Arsenault, director, Jeppesen General Aviation Client Management. “We are pleased to team with Purdue to provide their student pilots with essential learning materials that work to enhance student retention rates and increase proficiency rates for the next generation of professional pilots.”


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