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Cherokee Six Crashes In Dominican Republic Killing All Onboard

April 21, 2015 - On Monday a Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six crashed in Dominican Republic killing all seven people onboard. The Cherokee Six had just departed Punta Cana (MDPC) International airport for Arroyo Barril (MDAB) airport off the north coast at about 7:52 AM when the pilot began to experience engine problems. 

The pilot, Hector Soriano, 37, attempted an emergency landing on a nearby golf course of Punta Cana “Residential Cocotal” but the aircraft clipped a tree, crashed landed and  burst into flames said Enmanuel Souffront, director of the country's Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau. 

The aircraft was registered in Dominican Republic with a registration number HI-957 and owned and operated by Sky High Aviation Services. Air traffic control reported the pilot had not made contact with them to report any problems. 

The Cherokee Six was destroyed by fire. The names of the passengers have not been released. Although it is believed that some of the passengers where from Spain and from Britain. 

Authorities are still trying to determine the nationalities of the passengers. The Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC) and the Air Navigation Directorate (DINA) are investigating this crash.



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