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Raytheon To Transform U.S. Aviation Weather Data

May 9, 2015 - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) awarded Raytheon a $77M contract to build weather processing technology and display infrastructure for use throughout the National Airspace System (NAS). 

Raytheon will enhance the back end weather predictability model with advanced algorithms, including 4D modeling and enhanced processing, while updating the display systems used to convey weather information to all aviation stakeholders. 

Raytheon has been providing weather solutions to the FAA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense for more than 50 years. Raytheon's Air Traffic Solutions operate in more than 60 countries, and monitor more than 60 percent of the world's airspace.


"Weather is the most disruptive factor in the NAS. Increasing the predictability window by eight hours will allow air traffic specialists to better manage flights and make the most efficient decisions to support the traveling public and business operations," said Michael Espinola, managing director, Raytheon Air Traffic Systems.

"Improving the quality and accuracy of aviation weather data products will significantly improve the efficiency and safety for all stakeholders within the system." The NextGen Weather Processor (NWP) program will generate accurate, timely, and improved weather information for the benefit of all U.S. travelers.



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