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Pan Am International Flight Academy To Offer A320-200 Flight Simulation Training

April 23, 2015 - TRU Simulation + Training, Inc. announced today from the World Aviation Training Symposium that Pan Am International Flight Academy has signed a letter of intent to purchase an Airbus A320-200 FFS X full motion flight simulator.

The simulator is expected to be qualified by both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Association (EASA) as a Level D device. 

George Karam, General Manager of TRU's Air Transport Simulation Division said "This agreement comes right at the time we are commemorating our one year anniversary as TRU Simulation + Training. We are very excited to now also have this new relationship to celebrate."

The TRU-built A320-200 FFS X will be configured to meet Airbus A320 standard 1.8.1 and feature a number of advanced technologies: the MOOG electric control loading actuators and MOOG 6-degrees of freedom motion system, and a moveable forward-facing instructor operating station tower with multiple high definition color touch screen color displays.

The visual system manufactured by RSI will offer a front projection 200-degree horizontal by 40-degree vertical field of view and image display from three-channel PC-based image generators and three LED projectors.

"In our meetings with TRU and our visits to their Montreal facility, we were impressed by their team and their capabilities," said Mark Johnson, Pan Am International Flight Academy Executive Vice President. "We see a lot of synergies between our interest in providing the highest quality training experience for pilots in our training center and their interest in producing best-in-class flight simulation training devices."



Pan Am International Flight Academy, the original training division or former Pan American World Airways, now a wholly owned subsidiary of ANA Holdings is a global leader in comprehensive airline training solutions and owns and operates the largest, most diverse fleet of full-motion simulators in the world. The TRU-built A320-200 FFS X will be installed in the Pan Am International Flight Academy located in Miami, Florida and is expected to be ready for training in September 2015.

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