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FAA Chooses Lockheed Martin And CSC To Provide DUATS Interface Drops DTC

May 16, 2015 - For the past 26 years (1989), Data Transformation Corp (DTC) and Computer Sciences Corp (CSC) were the only two companies contracted out by the FAA to provide a computer interface to the FAA's Direct User Access Terminal Service (DUATS), a weather information and flight plan processing service.

DTC unsuccessfully lost its bid with the FAA as a DUATS II provider. The contract was recently awarded to Lockheed Martin. Lockheed and CSC will be the two providers on one-year, fixed-price contract with up to four one-year contract renewals. 


Lockheed Martin with begin providing weather information and flight plan processing service to pilots and other authorized users on May 17. The service will continue to be free and pilots will be able to login at www.1800wxbrief.com. Lockheed Martin will provide videos at the website to assist new users under How-To Videos. More than 5,000 certified pilots across North America, including parts of the Caribbean, log into DUATS multiple times daily to obtain weather briefings and file flight plans. 

AOPA has asked the FAA to gather user input to ensure that any changes to future flight services, such as increased automation, meet user needs. AOPA also wants to be sure that robust safety-of-flight information continues to be available at no charge to users, various elements of the flight services network interact seamlessly, and pilots using third-party flight planning services can easily file their plans with the FAA from within those flight planners. 

The DUAT Service provides direct access to weather information via a National Airspace System (NAS) Data Interchange Network II (NADIN-II) interface to the Weather Message Switching Center Replacement (WMSCR) System and the Air traffic control (ATC) Facilities for filing flight plans. The pilot users can interface the DUAT Services through its toll free telephone numbers or via an Internet Interface into the FAA's contractor's facility.


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