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Mitsubishi Aircraft Begins Low Speed Taxi Tests On Next-Generation Regional Jet

June 10, 2015 - Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation begins low speed taxiing tests with the first flight test aircraft of the MRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet), their next-generation regional jet, at the Nagoya Airport, (Toyoyama-cho, Aichi Prefecture) Japan. 

Taxiing is the movement of an aircraft on the ground under its own power. An airplane uses taxiways to taxi from one place on an airport to another both prior to takeoff and after landing.

The current taxiing tests will be performed to confirm braking at low speeds and direction control steering. 

The MRJ is a family of 70- to 90-seat next-generation regional jets under development by Mitsubishi Aircraft. The MRJ will offer substantially higher fuel efficiency combined with reductions in noise and emissions, and also provide spacious cabin comfort on a level unprecedented in regional jets to date. 

Orders have already been received for 407 aircraft of the MRJ (223 firm), and the MRJ's rollout ceremony was held last October 2014. Mitsubishi Aircraft and MHI are fully collaborating in close partnership on operations such as ground testing and preparation for transition towards inauguration of the MRJ's manufacture. The first flight scheduled for September or October of this year. 

Going forward, Mitsubishi Aircraft and MHI will continue devoting their collective resources towards the successful completion of the MRJ project as a significant contribution to the development of the aviation industry.


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