DOT Proposed Decision To Award Routes At Tokyo’s Haneda Airport

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DOT Proposed Decision To Award Routes At Tokyo’s Haneda Airport

Shane Nolan

May 10, 2010 — The U.S. Department of Transportation is proposing to award four routes to Tokyo’s downtown Haneda Airport to American Airlines at New York, Delta Air Lines at Los Angeles and Detroit, and Hawaiian Airlines at Honolulu when the airport’s fourth runway becomes operational later this year. 

The opportunities were negotiated in connection with the U.S.-Japan Open-Skies agreement which was concluded last December. They permit U.S. carriers to introduce a total of four daily round-trip services at Haneda. Previously, U.S. carriers serving Tokyo have been limited to using Narita Airport, which is considerably farther from the city. 


In a show-cause order issued today, the Department proposed to grant one opportunity to Hawaiian for service from Honolulu, two opportunities to Delta for service from Los Angeles and from Detroit, and one opportunity to American for service from New York’s JFK Airport. Also applying for Haneda slots were Continental Airlines, Continental Micronesia and United Airlines.

In its proposed decision, the Department said selecting Hawaiian Airlines, which currently does not serve Japan, would add a new competitor to the U.S.-Tokyo market. Delta’s planned flight from Los Angeles would serve the largest west coast and mainland U.S. market to Tokyo. Delta’s flight from its Detroit hub would provide Haneda access to a broad area in the central and eastern United States. American’s New York flight would serve the second largest mainland U.S.- Tokyo market and would also promote competition among several major airline alliances.

If the proposed decision is made final, the selected carriers would be required to begin Haneda operations by Jan. 29, 2011. Objections to the show-cause order are due in ten days, and answers to objections are due seven days afterward. After the comment period ends the Department will issue a final decision.

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