April 11, 2011 - US
Airways announced that up to 200 full-time jobs could be
coming to its Winston-Salem,
N.C. reservations center this year when the
airline returns to the
United States
work currently handled outside of the U.S. That work will be moved to
reservations centers in
Winston-Salem, Phoenix and Reno,
part of the airline?s agreement with the Communications
Workers of America (CWA) and the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), which represent the
airline?s more than 6,000 customer service employees and
reservations agents, all positions supporting US
Airways? sales and services calls originating in the
United States
will be brought to
locations by October 2011.
Allen, US Airways? director of government and community
relations, said, ?Today?s announcement was facilitated by a
number of entities, including the City of
Winston-Salem, Winston-Salem Business Inc.
and the Millennium Fund. These are our community partners, and
US Airways is proud to serve as an affirmative corporate citizen
of North Carolina.? Winston-Salem
Mayor Allen Joines said, ?The creation of up to 200 jobs in the
current economic environment is great news for Winston-Salem.?
Womble, chairman of the Millennium Fund, said, ?The mission of
the Millennium Fund is to look to enhance the future of Winston-Salem, while
bringing us together. Since its inception, the Fund has
reinvested over $50 million into the community. We are thrilled
with the announcement of these new jobs, and I am delighted that
the Millennium Fund was able to join with Winston-Salem Business
Inc. and the City of Winston-Salem to assist in the expansion of
this project.?
Airways? Winston-Salem reservations center currently
employs more than 700 people. The starting salary for the new
jobs is nearly $21,000 per year, plus a highly competitive
package of comprehensive medical and travel benefits. In
addition to providing US Airways customers with a high level of
service and support for their travel needs at the airline?s
reservations center, many Winston-Salem employees participate in
a variety of community-based projects through membership in the
Winston-Salem chapter of the Do Crew, US Airways? employee
volunteer corps.