Raising the bar on safety by proactively using safety
management principles to make smarter, risk-based
decisions throughout the agency and with industry and
global stakeholders.
Rebalancing existing services and modernizing our
infrastructure including advancing NextGen, to reduce
costs and become more efficient in the long run, as we
safely integrate new types of users into the nation’s
Building on America’s history of leadership in shaping
international standards to continue to improve aviation
safety and efficiency around the world.
Attracting and developing the best and the brightest
talent with the appropriate leadership and technical
skills to undertake the transformation of America’s
national aviation system.
In addition to an increase in passengers, air cargo
traffic, as measured by Revenue Ton Miles (RTMs –
one ton of cargo flown one mile) is expected to more
than double by 2034 at an average growth rate 4.1
percent. The forecast also shows that the average
percent of seats filled per flight reached a record
level of 83.2 percent in 2013.
These load factors are expected to reach 83.8
percent in 2034. Landings and take-offs at
FAA-operated towers and FAA contract towers are
expected to increase from 49.9 million in 2013 to
61.9 million operations in 2034.