“Taking video of employees on a lunchtime march
is nothing more than intimidation and
harassment,” said Ray Goforth, SPEEA executive
director. “The company has no legitimate reason
to confiscate cameras and delete photos.”
For the past few weeks, SPEEA members have held
solidarity marches, meetings and other events at
many Boeing facilities to show support for their
SPEEA negotiation teams. Marches ranged from a
few dozen employees to more than 2,500 at the
Everett plant. SPEEA continues to gather
information about the surveillance and photo
seizing and is asking members to document and
report incidents to union officials.
Filed at the Seattle office of the NLRB, the
first charge reads: “… the Employer has engaged
in surveillance of protected concerted activity
and has otherwise interfered with that activity
by videotaping and photographing employees
engaged in peaceful, protected concerted
activity in Portland, OR.”
The second charge reads: “… the Employer has
interfered with members engaging in protected
concerted activity by confiscating photographs
taken by employees of other employees engaging
in protected concerted activity.”