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Plane Crashes Just Moments After Pilot Reported Engine Problems To ATC

June 28, 2015 - At about 4 PM today, a Beech A36 Bonanza, N5626D departed on a VFR flight plan from Lancaster Airport, Pennsylvania for Norwood Airport, Massachusetts with three people onboard. At about 5:40 PM the pilot contacted Boston approach (KBOS) to advise he was with them. He was questioned on the approach he wanted to shoot into Norwood Airport. 

The pilot was given the information needed to shoot the approach by ATC. Within a minute or so of receiving the information, the pilot informed the controller he wanted to declare an emergency, he stated he was having engine problems. 

The pilot stated he would not be able to land at Norwood Airport and need a closer airport. Shortly later the pilot reported he lost total engine power, now gliding and IMC conditions. ATC came back on the air and said they lost radar contact with 5626D. At that time the Beech Bonanza had crashed into the roof of a two story home, broke apart and created a huge fire. All three onboard were killed. 

At the time of the crash there were four people in the house, the residents homeowners Aaron and Carol Rice and their two children were able to escape from the home unharmed. The identities of the dead were being withheld, pending notification of family. Neighbors reported seeing and hearing a plane apparently in trouble as the aircraft flew over the area. (Listen to audio of the exchange between pilot and air traffic controller before the Sunday crash provided by liveatc.net)



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