August 15, 2012 - The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) The Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) has completed an
aeronautical study (Aeronautical Study No.
2012-WTE-322-OE) on the Nantucket Sound wind
turbines and has determined that the proposed
construction of the 130 wind turbines,
individually and as a group, has no effect on
aeronautical operations.
As a condition to this Determination, the
structures must not exceed 440 feet, marking and
lighting, white paint and synchronized red
lights. (FAA
Advisory circular 70/7460-1).
Therefore, the FAA concludes that the project,
if constructed as proposed, poses no hazard to
air navigation and on Wednesday issued a “Does
Not Exceed (DNE)” determination for the proposed
construction. The FAA makes obstruction
evaluations based on safety considerations and
the available solutions to mitigate potential