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UK Places Restrictions On Airshows After Accident At Shoreham Air Show

August 25, 2015 - Following the accident at the Shoreham Air Show on Saturday in which 11 people were killed and 13 people injured the United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) have begun an immediate review and implemented a number of 'immediate" restrictions and changes to UK civil airshows.

As a precaution, on Saturday 22 August accident the CAA took steps to ensure no further flights were made by Hawker Hunter aircraft, this temporary restriction remains in place.

Flying displays over land by vintage jet aircraft will be significantly restricted until further notice. They will be limited to flypasts, which means ‘high energy’ aerobatics will not be permitted.


The CAA will conduct additional risk assessments on all forthcoming civil air displays to establish if additional measures should be introduced. The CAA has commenced a full review of civil air display safety on Sunday and held an initial meeting on Monday.

The CAA said, "The safety standards that must be met by all major civil air displays in the UK are among the very highest in the world and are regularly reviewed. All air display arrangements, including the pilots and aircraft, must meet rigorous safety requirements. Individual display pilots are only granted approval following a thorough test of their abilities.

"The CAA will continue to offer every assistance to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch as it seeks to establish the cause of the accident. The CAA will also act promptly in response to any emerging indications from the AAIB’s investigation. Further details will be provided in the coming days and we will continue to work with the industry to ensure the most appropriate action is taken as a result of this review."


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