Was Comcast Behind Keith Olbermann's Departure?


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Was Comcast Behind Keith Olbermann's Departure?

By Daniel Baxter

January 23, 2011 - So for the next two years Keith Olbermann will be off television “clearing the way for the 2012 elections.” Although he is free to take a job on the Internet or the radio, Olbermann is not allowed to discuss the reason for his departure.

So whats Comcast hiding from its customers? Why would they not want to be truthful with their viewers? It has been said that Comcast has a conservative view on politics and many are saying Comcast is behind it all.  

On Tuesday the feds cleared the way for Comcast, the country's largest cable company, to take over NBC Universal, its parent company being General Electric, for $13.8 billion in cash and assets. This would give Comcast 51 percent stake in NBC Universal.

The internet has gone wild over Obberman’s firing, citing “his departure was to clear the way for Comcast to take over.” If this is true, it would appear that Comcast is attempting to control the message. If you go out on the net, many of the MSNBC viewers are calling for a boycott of MSNBC as well Comcast. Here is what many are saying:

“I am very disappoint­ed about this news. When it comes to news reporting Olberman was class above the rest. MSNBC will surely lose viewers, advertiser­s and trust over this move unless they replace Keith with a worthy political commentato­r such as Cenk Uygur from the Young Turks”. 

“MSNBC will regard this as the dumbest decision it's ever made. Keith had the highest rated show on the network for crying out loud - a rating that Rachel will not be able to achieve given that Lawrence O'Donnell will be her lead at 8PM”. 

“They say it's not due to the Comcast merger but we pretty much know it is because of Zuckers departure dump your Comcast Internet for Clear dot com it's cheaper and you can take it with you Dish network also has better programmin­g and is cheaper as well” 

"DIRECTV Official Offer $29.99 Deal with 120 Channels, Free start up and installation".

“This was not only sudden, and unexpected­, when you watch "The Network" And see what he cited there seems to be a clear message in his feeling on why he is leaving. Though we won't know for a while, because he isn't allowed to discuss why he left for a "certain amount of time" which itself hasn't been clearly stated. And MSNBC can't be trusted to give a truthful answer about his leaving”.


“You know, the first time I saw Countdown I was honestly a little taken aback. Keith's rhetoric seemed a little aggressive to me, especially the "worst persons" segment. But after a few viewings I realized that Keith Olbermann was REACTING to what he felt were transgress­ions on the part of the right wing. I don't believe I've ever seen him say something harsh without first having a solid basis for the criticism. I truly hope he finds another outlet. He is one of the few counterbal­ances we have against the utter nonsense and lies that are spewed daily from the right wingnuts”.

“So long MSNBC Keith's out of there and so am I. He's one of the very few that leveled the playing field with the fascists on FOX. His insightfulness and keen sense of ethics and morality will be greatly missed”.

"MSNB's number one bread winner and Comcast wants you to think they had nothing to do with it. Do they really think most Americans are that stupid? I've got an answer for them, AT&T and CNN".

“Why have companies not taken that drug addict Rush Limbaugh, sex crazed Bill O'Reilly and the crazy man himself Glenn Beck of the air? These three, spill there racist, bigoted comments on the airways every day. They blatantly lie until, it almost sounds like the truth. They single handedly have taken this country back, from the many gains that have been made. Comcast, is part of that Texas group of thinking, who only care about their wallets, and not the country.  These three make hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, on the backs of every American. And they have the nerve, to pretend they are like you and I.  Lets be clear, we are financing this investment, were did they get this money from.  A boycott should be called for. If fox (and its not news) is allowed to spool it lies and hate, we under the freedom of the press, should at least be able to listen to Keith Olbermann. I have dropped Comcast, and will identify other companies who want to do business with these likes, and will stop doing business with them also. These executives are so far removed, they don’t understand what “America The Great” is thinking”.

“Keith, thank you for your years of intelligent political dialogue on MSNBC. The format you created made MSNBC the destinatio­n of political viewing for the informed classes. MSNBC will be a lesser place without you. Looking forward to your next media project. Maybe you could get together with Russell Simmons or George Soros (or others) and create a real 24 hour liberal network”.

“Don't bother. The Comcast folks are right now mounting Keith's head on the wall of their boardroom. Then they'll trundle off to celebrate at the nearest martini bar.”

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