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Korongo Airlines Ceases Operations And Will Liquidate

September 6, 2015 - Central Africa's Korongo Airlines has reported the company has ceased operations as of Friday. The company states the decision was taken to cease the activity of the airline, which is liquidated.

This decision was taken because of the extremely difficult operating conditions encountered to date and the decision by the Congolese government to launch a new national airline against which the company can not compete given a their cost effectiveness research.

"Korongo Airlines wishes to thank all its customers for their trust and expresses its sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by the cessation of its activities". The company will make appropriate settlements with passengers who hold tickets after September 4.


Korongo Airlines has ceased operations as a result of poor passenger travel although the company had a 70 percent load factor and the fact its only aircraft a Boeing 737-3M8 OO-LTM (msn 25070) was involved in an incident at Mbuji Mayi Airport, Democratic Republic of the Congo two weeks ago while on takeoff. As a result the aircraft was grounded.

Korongo Airlines which was headquartered in Lubumbashi began operations in 2009 offering scheduled regional flights between Democratic Republic of the Congo and Johannesburg, South Africa. The company was founded by Brussels Airlines, Belgium's largest airline.



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